Storms in Iraq have prevented Brian Glendinning from returning to Scotland today as scheduled.
“I spoke with Brian last night just before he went to the airport. He was excited to be coming and keen to discuss his shocking experience.” He told Stirling, “Hope you're well and happy belated birthday to you I liked the personal note regarding my release on your birthday 🙌
“I just wanted to drop you a short message to thank you so so much for all your support and efforts you put into getting me the result I needed FREEDOM!!
“Without you I am certain of it that I would have been going to Qatar and it wasn’t to watch the World Cup that’s for sure. I really look forward to speaking with you when I am home and this nightmare is over with”.
Brian was taken to Baghdad’s airport but his flight was cancelled due to ‘weather conditions’. As he cleared today for his impending flight, he was taken by authorities for “questioning” for approximately an hour. “You can imagine what he must have gone through at that moment” Stirling commented.
“His family are frustrated and disappointed that he won’t be arriving today and Brian will be exhausted on his return. The flights are problematic for the family in that most of them layover in Qatar or the UAE and Brian does not want to go to a Gulf country in case he is re-arrested.
“We will update the media and the public as to the details of his arrival as we know. It is expected to be tomorrow morning. His family, friends and potentially, his MP, Douglas Chapman will be there to meet him”.
Detained in Dubai: http://www.detainedindubai.org
Detained in Doha: https://www.detainedindoha.org
Radha Stirling: http://www.radhastirling.com
CLAN - Crypto Legal Advocacy Network: https://www.bitclan.org/
Due Process International: http://www.dueprocess.international
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